Costa Brava Map

With the Costa Brava map below you can explore the rugged stretch of coastline which runs from Blanes all the way up to the border with France.

On the map are marked the beach resorts, major towns and sites of interest, and key transport links.

You can zoom in to explore locations in detail, or view the map full screen. Full screen also has the advantage of allowing you to view satellite imagery of the area.

While an online map is a great tool, sometimes there is nothing to beat a paper map.

Its batteries never run out for one thing. It’s easy to read it in bright sunlight too and is usually safe to leave on the back seat of your car.

If you’re looking to buy a map then a great option is the Costa Brava map from Marco Polo [Amazon UK |].

Marco Polo also do a Costa Brava pocket guide with pull out map which you may prefer [Amazon UK |].

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