Key dates in Platja d’Aro

A look at some of the key celebrations and festivals held in Platja d’Aro throughout the year.

Welcome to Platja d’Aro! Photo by Núria.

Festa Major

In common with many towns and villages across Catalonia, Platja d’Aro celebrates its annual festa major on 15th August.

Why that date in particular?

It is celebrated throughout the Catholic Church as the Feast of Virgin Mary, also known as the Assumption of Mary. And Mary is the patron saint of Castell-Platja d’Aro.

In Platja d’Aro there are numerous concerts, workshops and other events put on in the days leading up to the festa major, which of course falls in the high season for tourism.

How do you find out what’s planned for the festa major? Look out for posters announcing what’s on.

Sant Isidre

The Festa de Sant Isidre in the middle of May honours the patron saint of farmers.

A display of vegetables (PixaBay)

The actual feast day is on 15th May but at the there are various free events held at a weekend close to the date if it falls midweek. These often include activities for kids, a farm crop and ornamental plant competition, concerts and traditional sardana dancing.

Nits de Jazz

Every summer since 1997 Platja d’Aro has put on a series of free jazz concerts on Friday nights during July and August. The concerts start at 23:00 near the top of the main beach with a temporary stage and seating set up on the sand.

Whether you’re a jazz fan, or simply up for whatever is going on while you’re there, you can check out the timetable online. However, as you’ll see posters advertising the concerts all over the place it’s probably unnecessary.

Festa de la Cervesa

If you’re in Platja d’Aro in October and love beer then head for the town’s version of Munich’s Oktoberfest.

Platja d’Aro’s Festa de la Cervesa takes place every year in October (PixaBay)

The Festa de la Cervesa is on rather a smaller scale than the Munich event which inspired it. It takes place over a handful of days rather than the fortnight of the German original and thankfully has nowhere near Munich’s six million visitors.

However, you get the chance to sample around 30 varieties of beer from around the world, eat sausages and listen to live music. The event takes place tents set up in Plaça del Mil·lenari, next to the large car park behind the high street.

If you have any questions about events in Platja d’Aro, or anything else for that matter, all you need to do is ask. Get in touch by email or leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

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